Exposed Vulnerability: Risks of Absent CCTV and Alarm Systems in Brisbane Establishments


A security system can deter crime in a variety of ways and help protect businesses from financial loss. However, a poorly designed and implemented alarm can make you a more attractive target for criminals.

Calamity offers CCTV monitoring that complies with police, insurance, and Australian standards (AS4806). Detailed image quality means police can identify perpetrators quickly.

1. Intruders

With crime a constant threat across Brisbane North and surrounds, it is well known that burglary, theft, vandalism, and property damage are significantly reduced with the installation of a security system. A quality alarm system can also provide critical evidence for law enforcement and insurance companies to minimise the financial loss caused by criminal activity.

The combination of the West Australian Security Act and integration with AS2201.1 provides a strong level of regulation for intruder alarm installations. However, a significant number of alarm installers do not comply with or understand the applied standard. It is suggested that further education, training, or awareness of the requirement to install intruder alarm systems to the applicable Australian standard may be required for this sector of the industry.

An IP camera/security system is a network device that uses an Internet cable to transmit video and power to the cameras and Network Video Recorder (NVR). These cameras allow you to keep an eye on your home, expected deliveries, or your pets.

2. Fraud

Some residents have been negatively impacted by alarm systems that are not properly designed, installed, and commissioned. In particular, elderly residents who use walk-through alarms are often reported to be annoyed by the system going off when they accidentally leave their chair or dislodge a lead. In some cases, this can also affect those living with dementia and other mental health issues. This could potentially be prevented by proper risk assessments. Alarms should only be used when they are safe for the residents to do so.

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3. Damage to Property

Whether it’s an office building, restaurant, or retail store, having the right security systems in place can offer unparalleled control and deterrence. Security cameras allow owners to see what is happening around them 24/7 and can help prevent vandalism, theft, or detrimental behaviour. They also provide a clear record of events, which can be used to prosecute perpetrators or strengthen the sense of safety amongst staff and visitors.

It was determined that trained personnel from a single security company should execute the survey questionnaire at each of the sites due to their expertise in eliciting the requested information. This restriction to one security business has impacted the overall result as it limited the input of data from alarm installations performed or maintained by other businesses. This should be taken into consideration for future research. A risk assessment classification should be incorporated into the survey to produce a more accurate comparison with an Australian Standard.

4. Damage to People

Whether at home or business, CCTV installation Brisbane can act as a visible deterrent to potential intruders. The recording can also provide valuable evidence in the case of a burglary or vandalism, allowing for swifter and more successful police prosecution. In addition, CCTV provides a window into the environment 24/7, giving owners unprecedented control and an increased feeling of security.

Robberies in Queensland have been on the rise since hitting their low point in 2016. This is a troubling trend for both residents and businesses in Brisbane.

With more homes and businesses turning to security systems, it’s important to take care when choosing your installer. It’s imperative to look for a company that offers testing and maintenance of their services as well as installation. This will prevent your system from failing due to a simple mistake such as a dirty lens or broken cable. Calamity offers three core services-installation, monitoring, and maintenance—to deliver exceptional protection for homes and businesses in Brisbane.

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5. Damage to Property

A burglar alarm is a physical deterrent that will set off an internal siren if triggered. It will also notify neighbours in the area or (if fitted with professional remote monitoring) the monitoring centre. The latter can then alert the relevant authorities to attend and assist with securing the premises if required.

Many modern alarm systems incorporate a digital cellular signaling solution to communicate with the monitoring centre. These may use either a wireless radio or an IP path. The majority will utilize a GPRS or GSM network as the primary signaling path. This is more reliable and offers huge cost savings over PSTN.

A home and commercial alarm system in Brisbane helps to prevent damage to your property and offers a visible deterrent to would-be thieves. They also provide a window into what is happening at your home or business 24/7, offering control, deterrence, and valuable evidence to assist with insurance claims and investigations.

6. Damage to Property

Unfortunate events like vandalism and a lack of proper security monitoring can lead to costly damages that impact your business’s bottom line. CCTV systems can help deter these types of incidents by monitoring a space 24/7 and alerting authorities as soon as there is suspicious activity. In addition to the benefits of CCTV installation, fire safety alarms can also trigger a prompt response from authorities to mitigate a potential risk before it becomes a disaster.

When determining how to execute the survey questionnaire, it was determined that only trained personnel from one particular security company would be able to elicit the required information. This restriction meant that data was limited to installations performed or maintained by a single security company, which may have biased the results. Additionally, the questions did not incorporate new requirements of a new Australian standard to classify alarms based on their likelihood and consequences of attack — this is a critical aspect of a well-designed system of intervention. These issues should be taken into consideration when conducting further research in this area.

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